How do I add or remove an employee?
Employee management within our software is automatic:
Any employees with at least one time clock shift and/or one class on the schedule for any given payroll period will automatically be considered active, and their time clock shifts and classes taught will be included in the payroll report. Our software should alert you to any issues during a payroll report run, such as missing payrates.
Any employee who has taught at least one class in the last 30 days, or is scheduled to teach a class in the next 14 days, will automatically appear on the payrate management screen. Employees without payrates configured who have not taught in the last 30 days, or are not scheduled to teach in the next 14 days, will automatically be removed from the list. If the list does not look as expected, click “Refresh” at the top of the payrate management screen.
Employees with payrates configured on the payrate management screen will remain in perpetuity regardless of their recent class schedule. To remove an inactive employee from the list, remove their payrates and then click “Refresh” at the top of the payrate management screen. As long as that instructor has not taught in the last 30 days, and is not scheduled to teach in the next 14, they will be removed.