What do the different error messages mean?
When generating a payroll report, you may receive a warning or error. While we’re always working on improving the user experience of our software, some of these error messages may seem a bit cryptic!
Here is a list of the most common messages you’ll receive, and what you can do to resolve it:
Class session has no instructors: This means there is a class on your schedule that has no instructors, so our software doesn’t know who to pay for that class. If you regularly have classes on your schedule without instructors, such as staff classes, feel free to contact Bitlancer Support and we can exclude those for you!
No matching payrates found. Please configure payrates for this employee on the payrate management screen: This error means that we encountered a class on your schedule that doesn’t match any payrates configured for the instructor who taught that class. The most common resolution to this problem is to access the Manage Payrates screen and add a new payrate for the instructor. Alternatively, if this is a new class type you’ve added to your schedule, you may need to update your class filters.
Multiple matching payrates found: This means that our software found multiple payrates that matched a class your instructor taught, and we aren’t sure which payrate to use when paying your instructor. Please check to make sure you haven’t over-configured an instructor by adding more payrates than necessary. You may also need to adjust your class filters to ensure they don’t overlap.
Employee has not clocked out of their shift: This means that your employee clocked into a shift within Mariana, but has yet to clock out of that shift. This can be resolved by logging into Mariana Tek and resolving the issue with the time clock shift. If the shift is valid, you must wait until that employee clocks out before running the payroll report — otherwise we’ll have no idea how many hours to pay them for!